Choosing a new ERP or CRM system is a challenging, but critically important, endeavor.

Let us help with your Software Selection process!!!

Define Requirements

Define your requirements completely to ensure that the system you choose can meet all your needs.

Communicate to Vendors

There is a great deal of communication required in evaluating systems and this takes a lot of time. We can manage this process.

Analyze Proposed Solutions

The various systems you will evaluate will have similarities and differences and may be complex. It is important to compare those carefully against requirements.

Manage Demos

There are often multiple rounds of demos when evaluating the different products. We can help with scheduling, managing the demo process and ensuring that requirements are being addressed.

Select & Negotiate

There are usually opportunities to save money in the short term and long term. Take advantage of our experience to make your best deal. We can also play the role of the bad guy and inform the vendors who were not chosen.